Friday, January 14, 2005

"Pursuit of Love"

I've always heard girls say how they desire to be pursued by a guy. I never really understood this whole idea of pursuit until this week. I've really felt this week that God has been passionately pursuing me...He won't give up or back down. I feel as though I can't escape God, He's everywhere around me. I can hear his voice in the simplicity of my everyday routine, calling me to something more, something greater.

What is this "something"? I don't know exactly. It may not even be anything specific, but I am confident that God is desiring me to become more and more like Him every single day. That's my desire too. I desire His patience. I desire His strength. I desire His compassion. I desire His heart for the lost. I desire His love. I desire His joy. I desire His endurance. I desire His creativity. I desire HIM!

So I've given in. I've stopped fighting against Your pursuit. You win God. Your prize is my heart, my life. I give you control...I am yours. I trust you. Hold me in your arms and let the strength of Your embrace breathe strength to my life. You are my Strong Tower, my place of You alone do I place my hope!

1 comment:

Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...

great true....