Wednesday, September 15, 2004

"Eternal Issues"

Today has been interesting as of yet. I woke up to find that I had slept throught my bio lab, later on when I checked my checking account balance online I found that I had an overdraft fee, and then when I went to go to the bank to deposit some money...guess car wouldn't start! Is it just me or does this kind of stuff seem to happen all the time! I get so frustrated with life sometimes...nothing ever seems to work out the way that we plan! My Grandma has a saying..."life is what happens to you while you're on the way to do what you had planned to do". Sometimes I feel like I'm living out Alanis Morisette's song "Ironic". "It's like rain on your wedding day...a free ride when you've already's the good advice that you just didn't take...who would've thought? it figures!" I especially like the line where she's like "it's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife". I feel like that all the time! My keys, wallet, cell phone, and anything else of importance, have a really annoying habbit of getting lost...this irritates me to death! I feel like such an idiot too, because I'll be freaking out cuz I lost my keys, have been looking for them forever and think that I might just die if I don't find them...and then there they are...right in front of my face! I was at a retreat a few weekends ago, and the speaker talked about how we spend so much time focused on things that don't really matter. The things that really matter in life are things that have eternal significance...things like love. I'm not talking about musy-gusy love like in a happy-go-lucky chick flick, but down in the dirt, get your hands dirty, love 'till it hurts, kind of love. Love is sacrificial. Love is painful. Love is vulnerable. Love is humble. Love is mature-being able to look at things like lost keys, overdraft fees, and sucky cars and saying..."this is not an eternal issue"! It is my prayer that I will learn how to love more like Christ, that I will put to death my attitude of "It's all about me", and truly live a life that screams, "IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU JESUS!"

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